Columbia Union ASI’s mission is obey the Holy Spirit’s call to encourage, empower and equip Adventist members of Columbia Union to work together to finish God’s work in these times in harmony with the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

We offer mission-minded members the opportunity to work supportively and closely with a network of Adventist denominational churches, denominational church leadership, Adventist institutions and other lay ministry leaders.
Christ is using Columbia Union ASI to build a vibrant network of members from each of our constituent conferences serving the church and community. Our strategy for doing this is to develop a strong framework of ministries which will serve as inspirational opportunities for mission. Through these ministries, members will be empowered to serve in their area of passion throughout Columbia Union in harmony with official Adventist church leadership. The network of ministries will also provide training and service opportunities aimed at equipping members to serve God and to win souls by meeting needs.

There are several ministry areas that Columbia Union ASI has available for members to get involved in. Each of these ministries will have as their goal:
• Encouraging, empowering and equipping each member of the network for effective soul-
• winning service
• Serving as a meaningful and helpful resource to churches and other official Adventist institutions
• Meeting the needs in the community
• Providing leadership and mentoring to students and youth that inspires them to live a mission-
• oriented life.